Sunday, April 10, 2016

Ruby_Lesson_Introduction to Ruby

Variables and Data Types
1.Overview & Sneak Peek
Ruby is a powerful, flexible programming language you can use in web/Internet development, to process text, to create games, and as part of the popular Ruby on Rails web framework. Ruby is:
  • High-level, meaning reading and writing Ruby is really easy—it looks a lot like regular English!
  • Interpreted, meaning you don't need a compiler to write and run Ruby. You can write it here at Codecademy or even on your own computer (many are shipped with the Ruby interpreter built in—we'll get to the interpreter later in this lesson).
  • Object-oriented, meaning it allows users to manipulate data structures called objects in order to build and execute programs. We'll learn more about objects later, but for now, all you need to know is everything in Ruby is an object.
  • Easy to use. Ruby was designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto (often just called "Matz") in 1995. Matz set out to design a language that emphasized human needs over those of the computer, which is why Ruby is so easy to pick up.
2.Data Types: Numbers, Strings, Booleans
In Ruby, your information (or data) can come in different types. There are three data types in Ruby that we're interested in right now: numbers, booleans (which can be true or false), and strings (words or phrases like "I'm learning Ruby!").
Computer programs exist to quickly analyze and manipulate data. For that reason, it's important for us to understand the different data types that we can use in our programs.
Reminder: never use quotation marks (' or ") with booleans, or Ruby will think you're talking about a string (a word or phrase) instead of a value that can be true or false. It's also important to remember that Ruby is case-sensitive (it cares about capitalization).
2.1.Set the following variables to the corresponding values:
  • my_num to the value 25
  • my_boolean to the value true
  • my_string to the value "Ruby" (note the capitalization!)
my_num = 25  
my_boolean =  true 
my_string =   "Ruby"

One of the most basic concepts in computer programming is the variable. You can think of a variable as a word or name that grasps a single value. For example, let's say you needed the number 25 from our last example, but you're not going to use it right away. You can set a variable, say my_num, to grasp the value 25 and hang onto it for later use, like this:
my_num = 25
Declaring variables in Ruby is easy: you just write out a name like my_num, use = to assign it a value, and you're done! If you need to change a variable, no sweat: just type it again and hit = to assign it a new value.
3.1.Set the variable my_num to the value 100, then click the Run button to run your code.
my_num = 100
Ruby isn't limited to simple expressions of assignment like my_num = 100; it can also do all the math you learned about in school.
There are six arithmetic operators we're going to focus on:
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)
Multiplication (*)
Division (/)
Exponentiation (**)
Modulo (%)
The only ones that probably look weird to you are exponentiation and modulo. Exponentiation raises one number (the base) to the power of the other (the exponent). For example, 2**3 is 8, since 2**3 means "give me 2 * 2 * 2" (2 multiplied together 3 times). 3**2 is 9 (3 * 3), and so on.
Modulo returns the remainder of division. For example, 25 % 7 would be 4, since 7 goes into 25 3 times with 4 left over.
5.'puts' and 'print'
The print command just takes whatever you give it and prints it to the screen. puts (for "put string") is slightly different: it adds a new (blank) line after the thing you want it to print. You use them like this:
puts "What's up?"
print "Oxnard Montalvo"
No parentheses or semicolons needed!
String Methods
6.Everything in Ruby is an Object
Because everything in Ruby is an object (more on this later), everything in Ruby has certain built-in abilities called methods. You can think of methods as "skills" that certain objects have. For instance, strings (words or phrases) have built-in methods that can tell you the length of the string, reverse the string, and more.
We also promised to tell you more about the interpreter. The interpreter is the program that takes the code you write and runs it. You type code in the editor, the interpreter reads your code, and it shows you the result of running your code in the console (the bottom window on the right).
7.The '.length' Method
Methods are summoned using a .. If you have a string, "I love espresso", and take the .length of it, Ruby will return the length of the string (that is, the number of characters—letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols). Check it out:
"I love espresso".length
# ==> 15
Taking the length of input can be useful if, for example, you want to make a website that takes credit card payments. Ruby can check to make sure the credit card number appears to be valid. 
8.The '.reverse' Method
The .reverse method is called the same way .length is, but instead of asking Ruby to tell you how long a string is, it spits out a backwards version of the string you gave it. For instance,
will result in
Reversing input can be useful if you want to sort a list of values from highest to lowest instead of lowest to highest.
9.'.upcase' & '.downcase'
The .upcase and .downcase methods convert a string to ALL UPPER CASE or all lower case, respectively.
9.1.Call .upcase on your name to make your name ALL CAPS and use puts to print it to the screen, like this:
puts "eric".upcase
# ==> ERIC
On the next line, call .downcase to make your name all lower case. Make sure to use puts so you can see it printed out!
puts "YUYING".downcase
Writing Good Code
10.Single-Line Comments
The # sign is for comments in Ruby. A comment is a bit of text that Ruby won't try to run as code: it's just for humans to read. Writing good comments not only clarifies your code for other people who may read it, but helps remind you of what you were doing when you wrote the code days, months, or even years earlier.
The # sign should come before your comment and affects anything you write after it, so long as you're on a single line.
# I'm a full line comment!
"Eric".length # I'm a comment, too!
The second example will return 4, since the comment comes after the code that Ruby will execute.
11.Multi-Line Comments
You can write a comment that spans multiple lines by starting each line with a #, but there's an easier way. If you start with =begin and end with =end, everything between those two expressions will be a comment.
I'm a comment!
I don't need any # symbols.
Don't put any space between the = sign and the words begin or end. You can do that with math (2 + 5 is the same as 2+5), but in this case, Ruby will get confused. =begin and =end also need to be on lines all by themselves, just as shown above.
12.Naming Conventions
There are many different kinds of variables you'll encounter as you progress through these courses, but right now we're just concerned with regular old local variables. By convention, these variables should start with a lowercase letter and words should be separated by underscores, like counter and masterful_method. Ruby won't stop you from starting your local variables with other symbols, such as capital letters, $s, or @s, but by convention these mean different things, so it's best to avoid confusion by doing what the Ruby community does.
In Ruby, you can do this two ways: each method call on a separate line, or you can chain them together, like this:


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