Friday, April 8, 2016

Learn Git_Project_Birthday Party

1.From the terminal, list the Git branches.
$ git branch                                   
* master                                       
2.Kay wasn't sure where she wanted to host the party, so you made several Git branches to explore different locations.
Some of the branches are no longer needed. Delete the following branches:
moma whitney
You'll need the -D option, because these feature branches were never merged into master:
git branch -D branchname
$ git branch -d moma                           
error: The branch 'moma' is not fully merged.  
If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git
 branch -D moma'.                              
$ git branch -D moma                           
Deleted branch moma (was 978e5a1). 
$ git branch -D whitney                        
Deleted branch whitney (was 9b384f9).3.Kay wants to see a version of the webpage that includes an unordered list with bullet points instead of a paragraph to show information about the party.
Create a new branch called unordered-list and switch over to it.
$ git branch unordered-list                    
$ git checkout unordered-list                  
Switched to branch 'unordered-list'4.In index.html, replace part of the content.
5.Add index.html to the staging area.
$ git add index.html 
6.Now make a commit.
$ git commit -m "commit on unordered-list"     
[unordered-list 5eddaeb] commit on unordered-list                                             
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
7.Kay approves the changes you made in the unordered-list branch.
Switch over to master. Then, merge unordered-list into master. This will be a fast forward merge.

$ git checkout master                          
Switched to branch 'master' 
$ git merge unordered-list                     
Updating 1481f5a..5eddaeb                      
 index.html | 8 +++++++-                       
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
8.Kay wants the heading to be way bigger. Create a new branch called big-heading.
$ git branch big-heading
9.Now, switch over the the big-heading branch.To make the heading bigger, replace the line with something else.
$ git checkout big-heading                     
Switched to branch 'big-heading'10.Add index.html to the staging area.
$ git add index.html 
11.Make a commit. 
$ git commit -m "Big heading"                  
[big-heading bbf14a7] Big heading              
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
12.Kay approves of the giant heading! Switch back over to the master branch. Then, merge big-heading into master.
$ git checkout master                          
Switched to branch 'master'                    
$ git merge big-heading                        
Updating 5eddaeb..bbf14a7                      
 index.html | 2 +-                             
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

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