Thursday, April 7, 2016

Learn Git_Project_Snap-Fit Robots Inc.


Your Snapfit Robot Model i075 is provided with guarantee of limited 1-year warranty only. Outside of maintenance and malfunction descriptions covered in the warranty, customer shall make no claims of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of sellability, fitness for specific usage, of title, or of noninfringement of third and fourth party rights, and/or rights to attend robot parties. Use of the product by uninformed user is at the users risk.
1.Initialize a new Git project. 
$ git init                                     
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ccuser/workspace/snapfit-robots/.git/    
2.Check the status of the Git project.
You will see multiple files listed in the output as “Untracked”.       
$ git status                                   
On branch master                                                                             
Initial commit                                                                              
Untracked files:                               
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)                                                                          
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) 
3.Add each file to the Git staging area.             
$ git add disclaimer.txt                       
$ git add instructions.txt                     
$ git add warranty.txt   
4.Check the status of the Git project again.                  
$ git status                                   
On branch master                                                                            
Initial commit                                                                              
Changes to be committed:                       
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)                                             
        new file:   disclaimer.txt             
        new file:   instructions.txt           
        new file:   warranty.txt    
5.Make a commit.                                                       
$ git commit -m "First Commit"   
[master (root-commit) 44104f4] First Commit    
 3 files changed, 70 insertions(+)             
 create mode 100644 disclaimer.txt             
 create mode 100644 instructions.txt           
 create mode 100644 warranty.txt      
6.View your Git commit log.If your cursor is stuck in Git log mode, press "q" on your keyboard to escape.
$ git log                                      
commit 44104f45807f12aec6bf742b9ce33f8ab0e3723c
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:35:47 2016 -0400 
             First Commit     
7.Include this line in disclaimer.txt:
Warning: For best battery life, do not leave robot battery charging overnight
8.Add the file to the staging area. 
$ git add disclaimer.txt  
9.Now make a commit. 
$ git commit -m "Second Commit"                
[master b42ec23] Second Commit                 
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)                                              
10.View your Git commit log again to identify your commit. 
$ git log                                      
commit b42ec23be3890be52b086e0a1237f1636127dcf5
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:42:26 2016 -0400                                                       
    Second Commit                                                                          
commit 44104f45807f12aec6bf742b9ce33f8ab0e3723c
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:35:47 2016 -0400                                                        
    First Commit      
11.Revise each file in whatever ways you'd like. Then add your changes to the staging area and make another commit. 
$ git add disclaimer.txt 
$ git commit -m "Third Commit"                 
[master a503e44] Third Commit                  
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)               
$ git log                                      
commit a503e44a442628c7555cf09371cdaaefff196648
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:55:19 2016 -0400                                                      
    Third Commit                                                                            
commit b42ec23be3890be52b086e0a1237f1636127dcf5
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:42:26 2016 -0400                                                       
    Second Commit                                                                            
commit 44104f45807f12aec6bf742b9ce33f8ab0e3723c
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:35:47 2016 -0400                                                        
    First Commit                               

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