Thursday, April 7, 2016

Learn Git_Project_Manhattan Zoo

Manhattan Zoo
Zookeeper Intern Onboarding:
Meal Guidelines

1. California Sea Lions
Meal: 40 lbs. salmon, 40 lbs. herring, 20 lbs. Northern Anchovy, 20 lbs. Octupus
Times: 6:00 am, 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm
Directions: Leave buckets for trainer at 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm, otherwise, follow standard protocol.

2. Ring-tailed Lemurs
Meal: 10 bags Tamarind pods
Times: 6:00 am, 3:00 pm, 8:00 pm
Directions: Empty bags over meadow area during designated times
1.Initialize a new Git repository. 
$ git init                                     
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ccuser/workspace/manhattan-zoo-1/.git/  
2.Check the status of the repository.
$ git status                                   
On branch master                                                                         
Initial commit                                                                               
Untracked files:                               
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)                                                                            
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
3.Add meal-regimens.txt to the staging area. 
$ git add meal-regimens.txt
4.Make a commit.
$ git commit -m "First Commit"                 
[master (root-commit) 8fd7649] First Commit    
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)              
 create mode 100644 meal-regimens.txt 
5.Include this new info in meal-regimens.txt.
3. Long-Tailed Chinchillas Meal: 1 bag animal pellets, 1 bag dried fruit, 1/2 bag cashews, 5 carrots, 3 stalks kale Times: 8:00 am Directions: disperse contents throughout Chinchilla habitat
6.Add meal-regimens.txt to the staging area. 
$ git add meal-regimens.txt
7.Check the status of the Git project.You should see meal-regimens.txt listed as "modified". 
$ git status                                   
On branch master                               
Changes to be committed:                       
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)                                         
        modified:   meal-regimens.txt 
8.Make a commit.
$ git commit -m "Second Commit"                                         
[master e9d5308] Second Commit                 
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)               
9.View your Git commit history.
If your cursor is stuck in Git log mode, press "q" on your keyboard to escape.
$ git log                                      
commit e9d530896c7199324040efc9c2ecbe66dac3b89c
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:19:04 2016 -0400                                          
    Second Commit                                                                         
commit 8fd764938c156fb5c0a5a1905053f814e0d1fed0
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:11:52 2016 -0400                                                        
    First Commit 
10.Here's two more animal reports. Include each in meal-regimens.txt, making a new commit for each animal added. 
4. Poison Dart Frogs Meal: 1 bag small crickets Times: 6:00 am Directions: empty bag in frog habitat once daily. Do not touch frogs! Extremely poisonous. 5. Western Lowland Gorilla Meal: (Morning) 20 lbs. kale, 10 lbs. celery, 10 lbs. green beans, 5 lbs. carrots, 
1 bag sweet potatoes. (Evening) 10 Bananas, 10 apples, 5 oranges, 5 mango, 20 lbs. 
grapes, 10 lbs. turnips, 5 lbs. white potatoes Times: 6:30 am, 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm Directions: feed Gorillas in the morning as group, spread forage items during noon meal, 
and divide quantities for individual feeding in evening
$ git add meal-regimens.txt                    
$ git status                                   
On branch master                               
Changes to be committed:                       
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)                                             
        modified:   meal-regimens.txt                                                        
$ git commit -m "Third Commit"                 
[master 62e0c0a] Third Commit                  
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)              
$ git log                                      
commit 62e0c0a9be659aa877f12ef314965a084cb4ecd8
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:26:25 2016 -0400                                                        
    Third Commit                                                                           
commit e9d530896c7199324040efc9c2ecbe66dac3b89c
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:19:04 2016 -0400                                                       
    Second Commit                                                                            
commit 8fd764938c156fb5c0a5a1905053f814e0d1fed0
Author: codecademy <>     
Date:   Thu Apr 7 22:11:52 2016 -0400                                                        
    First Commit        

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