1.There is a remote called maryrose-hw which contains your student's JavaScript homework.
Clone the remote, giving it a name of your choice.
2. Use the terminal command
$ cd becky-hw/
3.Use the file navigator to open homework.js in the code editor.
the terminal, create a new branch with Git. Your branch will be
commenting on Mary Rose’s JavaScript homework, so name the branch
Clone the remote, giving it a name of your choice.
$ git clone maryrose-hw/ becky-hw
Cloning into 'becky-hw'...
done 2. Use the terminal command
to go into your cloned repository.
cd my_clone
Don’t forget to replace my_clone
with the name you gave your clone in the previous step.$ cd becky-hw/
3.Use the file navigator to open homework.js in the code editor.
Be sure to open homework.js in your clone, not in the remote.
Next, switch over to your new branch.
$ git branch my-comment
$ git checkout my-comment
Switched to branch 'my-comment'
5.Time to start commenting on Mary Rose’s JavaScript homework.
6.Add your changes to the Git staging area.
6.Add your changes to the Git staging area.
$ git add homework.js
7.Now, make a commit.
$ git commit -m "BeckyComment"
[my-comment 01ca9d5] BeckyComment
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) 8.Push your branch up to the remote.
$ git push origin my-comment
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 3 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 287 bytes | 0 byte
s/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To /home/ccuser/workspace/js-homework/maryrose-
* [new branch] my-comment -> my-comment 9.Change directories back to the remote. Use your Git knowledge to see the branch you just pushed. cd ../maryrose-hw
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ReplyDeleteGreat! Thanks for the code